Exchange Center at Expo Square
Tuesday, July 8, 2025 - 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Booth and Sponsorship Registration Form

The Senior LIFEstyle and Wellness Expo is Oklahoma’s largest event focused on senior lifestyles and health.

Each year, thousands of older adults attend to meet and interact with vendors who specialize in various issues related to the senior community. In addition, the expo features expert speakers, interactive activities, health screenings, live entertainment, raffles, games and more to enhance the experience.

The Expo is promoted through a multi-faceted campaign that includes radio, TV, print, email and social media. The 20-page Event Guide in the July issue of LIFE’s Vintage Magazine, along with its 55,000 readers each month, remains a key element in reaching your target audience. There are three sponsorship levels that include advertising in the Event Guide. Those higher-level sponsors enjoy not only high visibility at the event, but with the magazine’s readers as well.

Sponsorship and exhibitor levels are listed below. Each level offers booth space with additional add-ons per category. If you have questions about sponsorship opportunities that include advertising, contact Bernie Dornblaser at (918) 664-9000, ext. 1206 or

Download the sponsorship and exhibitor information kit.

Purchase booths and sponsorships below.