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Story Core: Meet JoAnn

As JoAnn was signing up for an upcoming LIFE EDU class, she suddenly said, “I want you to know that I just love LIFE Senior Services.”

She first brought her husband to LIFE’s Adult Day Health (ADH) 25 years ago and it was a lifesaver for her. He was an older spouse and developed Alzheimer’s along with several other health issues. Joanne said, “The first time I dropped him off, I felt like two cents. But, when I came to pick him up, he was busy working on an art project and didn’t want to leave until he finished it.”

After that, she felt no more guilt. Instead, there was a sense of relief knowing there was a caring, engaging program for her husband and assistance for her. “He made friends while at ADH. He needed other people he could talk to.” JoAnn was effusive in recounting how the staff truly cared for her husband which created a great experience for both of them. Attending ADH gave him the feeling he could accomplish something and be of value.

JoAnn enjoyed her membership at LIFE’s Southminster Active Senior Center and also served on the senior center board. Now, she spends much of her free time volunteering with LIFE at the airport and for the Red Cross Veterans History Project. She has helped produce over 100 videos archived at the Library of Congress; the veteran’s family also receives a copy. For her work, she received an award from the Red Cross. At 85 years old, JoAnn’s life exemplifies how, with readily available community resources, one can age and remain active, engaged, and vibrant. By supporting LIFE, your gift will continue to help Joanne, and others like her, live their best LIFE. By the way, the class she signed up for was the iPhone photography class of course.

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